Saturday 12 July 2008

There's Something About..

Fashion Writing. It sucks. I am pretty sure that in most sectors of journalism when an editor becomes an editor it is because they are prolific writers. Not simply because they can put the most exclamation marks on the end of a sentence. But it would seem that that is how most fashion writers manage to get into the business: they simply have an over dramatic writing style and thus are given a job for being 'down with the kids'. I am a kid. And they are not down with me.

For a while in my life I really enjoyed reading i-D and Pop as they seemed to be cool and up to date with trends I could actually relate to but of late I can't read a single article without cringing due to lack of personal flair and sheer boredom. I am quite sure that nu-rave is thouroughly dead and rightly so. Yet somehow the two mags mentioned earlier manage to dig up some reference to glow sticks or other crap. Surely they should be trying to update all the time like Cheekbone in Mighty Boosh!

Now I'm not trying to rewrite the rules of fashion journalism, as obvisouly I have no influence in it (just you wait) but if the afformentioned magazines could possibly become slightly more like Vice or Vogue then maybe they would keep up in the world of fashion and keep us interested. Well me at least. I'm not conddemming them, only a few of the writers. Just please, please learn to use proper punctuaion and write like your 20 not 13.

P.s Aggy Dean we need something new and clean. Like a new style. I hate it when things become over hyped and over used. I'm all for you "keeping it punk" and what not but lets try something other than the music scene. Or why not champion a new fresh face Sir/ Madame Fashion Magazines.

Rant over. I'm back in the writing swing.