Tuesday 16 September 2008

Autumn Blues

I hate this time of year. Christmas is too far away to get excited about, yet summer has completely gone now. It's all grey skies and rainy days from here on in. But why let the weather get you down? Let's embrace this time of change and take it in our stride. ,,I'm just kidding you. Why the hell would you want to do that? It's horrific outside and there is no getting away from it. So let's look at warm things that will keep you reasonably happy this wintour.

To get under way I am going to tip my blog hat to my good friend Lowell. Last autumn he said that this year the deerhunter hat would come into fashion. I agreed with him and low and behold would you look at that: Asos have started stocking them. I reckon if you want something to keep your barnet at bay in the gale force winds or just want to keep your little auricles warm these babies are the thing for you.

Then moving down the body, onto outerwear. QUILTS. I know Silly Hoe (Daisy Lowe) and Touchmy Bum (Alexa Chung) were spotted at various festivals wearing Barbours and I already have one but what is stopping you, the fashionistas, looking like your grandad? I am currrently searching for another Barbour as mine is falling apart. Uniqlo also provide a nice lasses quilted coat that has a furry hood and is shorter. Good if you aren't into looking like Death Himself and swooping down the leaf littered streets. To cut to the chase basically quilts are the new macs. Although I reckon macs should be the dark horse of the outerwear this season.

Then to jumpers. I don't really care for them as for me jumpers are just additional layers. But if you are into them then I guess a nice childish pattern always goes down well. Teddy bears, snowflakes, whatever. Just make sure it fits and is warm. Unless you are a girl in which case baggy jumpers are actually very fetch. Although fetch is a very lame word. Once again whatever.

Moving swiftly on, tshirrrts. I have already sung 5preview's praises (ps I bought their tshirt and my god does it look good!) but I think you have to take size to extremes. If your a bit twiggy like me then let it hang off you OR keep it snug. Don't be a conservative, make like Green and go all out. And kill off the stripes unless it's Breton.

This is getting seriously long so for jeans, basically your usual super skinny fit with either high turn ups or pin rolls. Then for shoesies let's go for some Shofolk
shoes or some DM's. Anything sturdy.

There. All set and done. Roll on even further weather depression. Oh and for the record Daisy Lowe is not a silly hoe. She just happens to have an unfortunate rhyme in her name. Good bye and good night.

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