Sunday 18 May 2008

Mr Vuitton, meet Mr. Green

I was looking over my previous posts and had the realisation that I haven't actually written about serious fashion. So it's time to combine. Louis Vuitton meets ECO FASH. Nice huh? Although I'm going to spread it over two posts. The first is on the problem with over priced fashion.

So there I was, wandering down 5th Avenue in New York when on the other side of the road I spotted a man. It wasn't the man that attracted my attentipon but his bag. Upon arriving home I searched and searched for it and finally found what I had been looking for. The Louis Vuitton Damier Geant, Citadin NM bag. It was a plain-ish black canvas satchel and I loved it. My eyes strayed to the top and I saw the price. 425 English Pounds. It still surpasses me as to how a plain-ish canvas bag can cost SO much.

It certainly is a nice bag. And I think that Louis Vuitton make certain items that are certainly original and VERY nice. Yet somehow it seems empty. Like the bag has no love. It could have been made by an oil baron or a love puppet, for me it makes no difference. The price just takes the edge off it. I know why they do it: to keep their wares indivdual and so that only a select few have them. But still...

It's the same story with so many brands too. They make their clothes and accesories for tuppance by some poor laborer in some forsaken sweat shop and then sell their clothes for 5000% of the price. It disgusts me. But we cannot just stop buying their wares. This would be even more detremntal. No instead we should introduce Fairtrade Laws.

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