Monday 26 May 2008

"There must be more to life..

..than having really, really, ridiculously good looking sunglasses". Well done Mr. Zoolander. I couldn't have put it better myself. So for this wednesday's article im going to have a look at some lush eyewear.

First it's off to the catwalk. Raffa and Linda, that being Raf Simons and Linda Farrow, collab on a set of sunnies that you can sink your pretty eyes in to.

A wonderful mix of old and new, they look like old-fashioned pilot's goggles mixed with some funky eighteees cop eyes. Mmmmmhhhmmmm

Stussy. Surfing. Sunglasses. Three words that are synonomous with eachother. I love Stussy and so with their retake on the wayfarer I thought it just to give 'em a spin on my blog.

One last butchers at a pair, so let's make it a good one ey. I guess a look at some unisex eyewear. A vintge pair of Ray-Bans. I love them. SO MUCH. But who cares. I think it's not worth saying too much about these. The picture does plenty justice.

Friday 23 May 2008

The Miss France Award goes to

Corr. Don't you just love France. They have given us baguettes, Sebastien Tellier and The Eiffel Tower. But the latest wonder to come out of the land of the brie is French designer Bérangère Claire.

At only 28 she is part of the new breed of young designers who are setting up an ecletic mix of beauty and class. Yet it's simple. I LOVE it:) It's like Filippa K but more trendy. And less minimalist. Her first line's influences are obvious. Rednecks. The American ones. But as checked shirts, especially of the oxford kind, are very in season it appears that she has made some winning designs. If only the ones I want weren't out of stock.

Despite having a badge that has a huge resemblance with Jägermeister it still looks great. According to their website it is based on 'a hybrid of U.S. college logos and that of the "Croix de Lorraine",' which may be true may be not. It don't mater to me though 'cos she's still making tres beau vêtements. Enough of my yappin', I think it's time to wow y'all with some pictures. I'm sorry for that funny accent. I don't know what came over me.

To finish off it's the best bag I have seen in a while!

Thursday 22 May 2008

I'm Seeing Eurovision..

Words cannot do these three Eurovision outfits justice. Nor can they explain Tellier's genius. So how about some pictures instead.

Now Sebastien TELLIER. He is uber cool. I'll do a post on him.

Done and Done

Sunday 18 May 2008

Mr. Green, meet Mr. Vuitton

For this to make ANY SENSE read the post below first.

After that little number I think it's time for a rant about how eco fashion needs to get its ass in gear. It's all very well giving the workers the amount of money they deserve and 'keeping it real' but when the idea of real attracts around 0.1% of the world's population, you can't help but think that if they really wanted to make money and change the fashion world then they would aim their stuff at the mass market.

Levis have the right idea. So do H&M (even though they make rubbish clothes). Levis have released an organic cotton range. I'm not sure whether it's fair trade too. But it's a start. H&M have done the same thing but I have a sneaking suspicion that their clothes are made in grotty places.

I think it's time to name and shame some BAD COMPANIES. PRIMARK=EVIL. The only reason you can buy your clothes so cheaply is because they get them made for nout. Less than nout. Tescos is worse. They have around three times as much money as any other high street chain the last time I checked. They destroy boutiques and make it hard for new designers who want to show their individuality. And their clothes are RANK.

On the other glove, American Apparel are extremely good. They make their clothes in house in LA(X) and still keep their prices relatively low. Junky Styling. JUNKY STYLING. Genius. They take old garms and make them into new babies of loveliness. MMMMM. Nice.

This connects to my previous post, in I was reading how they took an old Louis Vuitton bag and made it into a new piece of originality. Clever stuff.

Well that's enough I think. Although the post went nowhere. I need to make a criteria next time.
Au revoir

Mr Vuitton, meet Mr. Green

I was looking over my previous posts and had the realisation that I haven't actually written about serious fashion. So it's time to combine. Louis Vuitton meets ECO FASH. Nice huh? Although I'm going to spread it over two posts. The first is on the problem with over priced fashion.

So there I was, wandering down 5th Avenue in New York when on the other side of the road I spotted a man. It wasn't the man that attracted my attentipon but his bag. Upon arriving home I searched and searched for it and finally found what I had been looking for. The Louis Vuitton Damier Geant, Citadin NM bag. It was a plain-ish black canvas satchel and I loved it. My eyes strayed to the top and I saw the price. 425 English Pounds. It still surpasses me as to how a plain-ish canvas bag can cost SO much.

It certainly is a nice bag. And I think that Louis Vuitton make certain items that are certainly original and VERY nice. Yet somehow it seems empty. Like the bag has no love. It could have been made by an oil baron or a love puppet, for me it makes no difference. The price just takes the edge off it. I know why they do it: to keep their wares indivdual and so that only a select few have them. But still...

It's the same story with so many brands too. They make their clothes and accesories for tuppance by some poor laborer in some forsaken sweat shop and then sell their clothes for 5000% of the price. It disgusts me. But we cannot just stop buying their wares. This would be even more detremntal. No instead we should introduce Fairtrade Laws.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Crocodile Hunting

It may not be sunday but why does that mean I can't be cynical about poor style choices. In fact really I should be looking at an idol of mine but I gave you two yesterday. What are you lot? Hunrgy fashion sharks or something!

Well I racked my brain and came up with something that gets on my nerves ALL the time. CROCS

Their little rubber devils can kill (see the article in The Sun, i know it's not exactly a reputable paper), they look stupid and even worse you get middle aged people in them. It's like they are trying to relive their jelly wearing childhoods. (Jellies are class)

It may appear that I have a strong dislike towards those who are more mature (yet try and act the opposite). I realise that one day I will to buy a boat or a poor sportscar and dye my hair a grim shade of blue. But until that day I will continue to bellitlle those of our elders who believe that acting half their age will cause them to actually become younger. If the wind changes direction your face does not experience rigor mortis.

Back to the croc bitching anyway. So yeah why were they invented. Like uggs they have no place in society. At least uggs are warm. If i wanted to wear badly made sandals I would go to a market. A bad one. And the price. I mean come on. TOO MUCH!

I think the only time I would accept the croc is on a small child. Then it's cute. But mulyiply their age by 10.3 and you get a person in serious need of advise. Wait no. Another time is in the home. Where no one can see you. Then you can be an 'in the closet' croc feind.

Well that's antother rant over. I leavve you with the 'Safari croc' as I would call them. If only Steve Irwin were here to wrsetle with these man-eaters.

Wait there's even a croc hating blog!
ps Uggs you're next

Tuesday 13 May 2008


Lock up your daughters. The Psychobillies have hit the street. And they are out for blood! Like Jack the Ripper but without the rape it's the new breed of goth.

I love, love, love Ipso Facto. For their style. Yeah it's all about the style.
They have THE hair of gods. The style of gods. And the looks of Aphrodite herself. WHAT A COMBINATION. If only they could multiply. OR clone themselves.

THEN we have the KINGS of goth. They have made having a bowl cut cool and although they may have legs that could be used as toothpics they are still ULTIMATE. in fact i may have to take my jeans in further so that they are that skinny. With names like Spider Webb and Coffin Joe they have given the once night-crawling goths among us a license to bed every young maiden upon the streets.

The dickenzien ladss and laddettes are making a stir, with heavy influences on runway fashion such as Dior and Louis Vuitton (check out their new men's shizzz). I can see this sticking around, if not on the underground scene. And hey if it goes underground then I'm going to go and live on the Victoria Line.